Meaning of CURE in English

Synonyms and related words :

administration, advowson, agency, agentship, aid, air-dry, alterative, ameliorate, analeptic, anhydrate, antidote, arrange, assignment, assistance, auspices, authority, authorization, bake, balm, balsam, bandage, bathe, benefice, better, blast-freeze, blot, break of, brevet, brine, bring around, bring round, brush, burn, care, care for, care of souls, charge, clear for action, clear the decks, commission, commissioning, commitment, consignment, corn, correct, corrective, counteractant, counteractive, counteragent, countermeasure, counterstep, curacy, curative measures, cure-all, curing, custodianship, custody, dehumidify, dehydrate, delegated authority, delegation, deploy, deputation, desiccate, devolution, devolvement, diagnose, disaccustom, doctor, drain, dress, drug, dry, dry-cure, dry-salt, elixir, embalm, embassy, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, evaporate, executorship, exequatur, exsiccate, factorship, fire, first aid, fix, fix up, flux, freeze, freeze-dry, full power, fume, get ready, give care to, glebe, governance, government, guardianship, guidance, hands, heal, healing, healing agent, healing quality, help, hospitalization, incumbency, insolate, irradiate, jerk, jurisdiction, keeping, kiln, kipper, legation, license, lieutenancy, living, make arrangements, make preparations, make ready, management, mandate, marinade, marinate, marshal, massage, medical treatment, medicament, medicamentation, medicate, medication, medicine, mend, minister to, ministry, mission, mobilize, mummify, nostrum, nurse, office, operate on, oversight, panacea, parch, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, pharmacon, physic, pickle, plan, plaster, plenipotentiary power, poultice, power of attorney, power to act, prearrange, prelacy, prep, prepare, prescribe, prescription, preservatize, preserve, pretreat, process, procuration, protectorship, provide, proxy, pull round, purge, purview, put in shape, quick-freeze, ready, ready up, receipt, recipe, rectify, rectory, recure, refrigerate, regency, regentship, regime, regimen, relief, remedial measure, remedy, repair, responsibility, restorative, restore, restore to health, rub, safe hands, salt, scorch, sear, season, settle preliminaries, shrivel, smoke, smoke-cure, soak up, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, splint, sponge, stewardship, stop, strap, stuff, succor, sun, sun-dry, swab, tan, task, therapy, torrefy, towel, treat, treatment, trim, trust, trusteeship, try out, tutelage, vicarage, vicarious authority, ward, wardenship, wardship, warrant, watch and ward, wean, weazen, wing, wipe, wither, wizen, work a cure,

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