Synonyms and related words :
Christian, accepted, according to Hoyle, acknowledged, admitted, appropriate, approved, au fait, becoming, befitting, being done, ceremonial, ceremonious, civil, civilized, comely, comme il faut, condign, conformable, conforming, conventional, correct, customary, de rigueur, decent, delicate, demure, dignified, done, due, earnest, elegant, felicitous, fit, fitting, formal, frowning, genteel, gentlemanly, good, grave, grim, grim-faced, grim-visaged, happy, hieratic, kosher, ladylike, liturgic, long-faced, mannerly, meet, modest, nice, normal, normative, orthodox, polished, polite, pompous, prim, proper, punctilious, received, recognized, refined, respectable, right, right and proper, righteous, rightful, rigid, ritual, ritualistic, sacerdotal, seasonable, sedate, seemly, serious, sober, sober-minded, sobersided, solemn, somber, staid, stately, stiff, stone-faced, straight-faced, stuffy, suitable, thoughtful, traditional, unsmiling, urbane, weighty, well-behaved, well-mannered