Synonyms and related words :
a cappella, abbandono, accrescendo, adagietto, adagio, affettuoso, agilmente, agitato, allegretto, allegro, amabile, amoroso, andante, andantino, appassionatamente, appassionato, barely audible, brillante, capriccioso, catabasis, collapse, con affetto, con agilita, con agitazione, con amore, contractive, crash, crescendo, deceleration, declension, decline, decline and fall, declining, decreasing, decreasingly, decrescent, deliquescent, dim, diminishing, diminishingly, diminuendo, dimness, distant, dive, dolce, downtrend, downturn, drop, dwindling, ebb, ever less, faint, faint-voiced, faintness, fall, feeble, feebleness, flatness, forte, fortissimo, gentle, gentleness, half-heard, indistinct, indistinctness, lamentabile, languishing, lapse, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, legato, leggiero, less, less and less, lessening, low, lowness, marcando, morendo, murmured, on the wane, parlando, pianissimo, piano, pizzicato, plunge, prestissimo, presto, rallentando, reductive, remission, retreat, ritardando, ritenuto, scarcely heard, scherzando, scherzo, scherzoso, slowdown, slump, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, softness, sordo, sotto voce, spiccato, staccato, stretto, subaudibility, subaudible, subdued, subduedness, subsidence, subsiding, tremolando, tremoloso, trillando, unclear, unclearness, wane, waning, weak, weak-voiced, weakness, whispered