Synonyms and related words :
all up with, baffled, balked, beat, beaten, bested, betrayed, bilked, blasted, blighted, chapfallen, confounded, crestfallen, crossed, crushed, dashed, disappointed, discomfited, dished, disillusioned, dissatisfied, done for, done in, down, fallen, fixed, floored, foiled, frustrated, hors de combat, ill done-by, ill-served, lambasted, lathered, let down, licked, on the skids, out of countenance, outdone, overborne, overcome, overmastered, overmatched, overpowered, overridden, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, panicked, put to rout, regretful, routed, ruined, scattered, settled, silenced, skinned, skinned alive, sorely disappointed, soured, stampeded, thwarted, trimmed, trounced, undone, upset, whelmed, whipped, worsted,