Synonyms and related words :
affront, attack, baffle, balk, battle cry, be a man, be proof against, bear up, bear up against, beard, bid defiance, bid to combat, blast, brave, brazen out, break, break the law, breast, bring before, bring forward, bring up, call out, care naught for, cartel, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, confound, confront, confront with, contravene, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, cross, dare, dash, declare war, defeat, defi, deride, destroy, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disobey, disregard, disrupt, do violence to, double dare, double-dare, elude, encounter, endure, envisage, face, face out, face with, flout, flummox, foil, front, frustrate, gage, gage of battle, gauntlet, gibe, glove, go counter to, have the guts, have the nerve, hold out, hold up, ignore, infringe, knock the chocks, lay before, levy war on, make bold to, make war on, meet, meet squarely, mock, nonplus, not conform, not heed, not keep, not listen, not mind, not observe, open hostilities, outdare, outface, perplex, place before, present to, put it to, rebel yell, rebuff, refuse to cooperate, repel, repulse, resist, ridicule, ruin, sabotage, scoff at, scorn, scotch, scout, scream defiance, set at defiance, set at naught, set before, set naught by, show fight, spike, spoil, stand, stand up, stand up to, stare down, stem, stonewall, stump, thwart, trample on, trample underfoot, trample upon, transgress, trespass, upset, venture, violate, war cry, war whoop, withstand,