Synonyms and related words :
block in, block out, brief, bring to life, cartoon, catch a likeness, chalk, chalk out, character, characterize, charcoal, chart, color, contour, copy, crayon, crosshatch, dash off, daub, define, depict, describe, design, diagram, doodle, draft, draw, etch, evoke, express, give words to, hatch, hit off, image, interpret, limn, line, map, notate, outline, paint, paint a picture, pencil, picture, picturize, plan, portray, print, profile, register, render, represent, rough in, rough out, rub, schematize, scratch, scumble, set forth, shade, silhouette, sketch, stencil, symbolize, take a rubbing, tint, trace, trace out, trace over, write