Synonyms and related words :
acquisitive, agog, alacritous, all agog, amative, amatory, amorous, animated, anxious, appetitive, ardent, avid, breathless, bursting to, desiderative, desireful, desiring, eager, erotic, forward, full of life, grabby, grasping, greedy, hopeful, hoping, hormic, impassioned, impatient, itchy, keen, lascivious, libidinal, libidinous, lickerish, lively, longing, loverlike, loverly, lustful, needing, optative, panting, passionate, prehensile, prompt, quick, raring to, ready, ready and willing, sexual, spirited, tempted, vital, vivacious, vivid, wanting, wishful, wishing, yearning, zestful