Synonyms and related words :
alienated, antagonistic, antiestablishment, antipathetic, apostate, at cross-purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at odds with, at variance, at variance with, at war, bitter-ender, brawler, breakaway, clashing, colliding, conflicting, contentious, contradicting, contradictory, contrary, counter-culture, counteractant, counteracting, counteractive, countervailing, counterworking, cranky, cross, crotchety, defendant, demurrer, deviant, diehard, differing, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disharmonious, disproportionate, disputant, dissenter, dissentient, dissenting, dissonant, divergent, grating, heretic, heterodox, hostile, immiscible, in opposition, inaccordant, incompatible, inharmonious, inimical, intransigent, irreconcilable, jangling, jarring, last-ditcher, litigant, misbeliever, naysayer, negative, negativist, nonconformable, nonconforming, nonconformist, noncooperator, nonobservant, objector, obstructionist, obstructive, opinionist, opposer, opposing, opposition voice, oppositional, oppositionist, oppugnant, out of accord, out of whack, perverse, plaintiff, protestant, protester, protestor, quarreler, reactionary, rebel, recalcitrant, recusant, refractory, renitent, repugnant, resistant, resister, revolutionary, schismatic, scrapper, sectarian, sectary, separatist, unadaptable, unadjustable, uncompliant, unconforming, uncongenial, underground, unharmonious, unorthodox, unsubmissive, variant, wrangler