Synonyms and related words :
ablate, attenuate, be consumed, be gone, be promiscuous, blow, blow off, blunder away, break up, burn up, carouse, cast forth, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, chase women, clear away, come to naught, come to nothing, commit adultery, consume, crumble, debauch, decrease, dematerialize, depart, deplete, depreciate, die, die away, die out, diffuse, dilute, diminish, disappear, disintegrate, dispel, disperse, disseminate, dissolve, distribute, do a fade-out, drain, dribble away, drive away, dwindle, erode, evanesce, evaporate, exhaust, exit, fade, fade away, fade out, flee, fly, fool, fornicate, fritter away, gamble away, go, go away, go through, go to pot, go to seed, go to waste, grovel, hang the expense, hide, lavish, leak, leak away, leave no trace, leave the scene, live hard, make merry, melt, melt away, party, pass, pass away, pass out, perish, peter out, philander, plunge into dissipation, rake, retire from sight, revel, roister, run riot, run through, run to seed, run to waste, scatter, seize the day, shrink, sink, sink away, slather, sleep around, sow, sow broadcast, spread out, squander, suffer an eclipse, swing, thin, thin out, throw away, throw money around, use up, vanish, vanish from sight, vaporize, volatilize, wallow, wanton, waste, waste away, wear, wear away, whore, womanize