Synonyms and related words :
acme, administration, ally, ambit, antecedence, antecedency, anteposition, anteriority, archduchy, archdukedom, area, arena, ascendance, ascendancy, ascendant, authority, authorization, bailiwick, balance of power, be-all and end-all, beat, blue ribbon, body politic, border, borderland, buffer state, captive nation, champaign, championship, chieftaincy, chieftainry, circle, circuit, city-state, claws, clutches, colony, command, commonweal, commonwealth, control, country, county, demesne, department, directorship, disposition, domain, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominium, duchy, dukedom, earldom, effectiveness, eminent domain, empery, empire, field, first place, first prize, free city, front position, governance, government, grand duchy, grasp, grip, gripe, hand, hands, headship, hegemony, height, helm, hemisphere, highest, hold, imperium, influence, iron hand, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, kingdom, kingship, land, land tenure, landholding, landownership, landowning, leadership, lordship, management, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, march, masterdom, mastership, mastery, maximum, most, nation, nationality, ne plus ultra, new high, orb, orbit, overlordship, ownership, pale, palms, paramountcy, polis, polity, possession, possessorship, power, precedence, precedency, preceding, precession, precinct, precursor, predominance, predominancy, predomination, preeminence, preference, prefixation, prelude, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, presidency, primacy, principality, principate, priority, property, proprietary, proprietorship, protectorate, prothesis, province, puppet government, puppet regime, raj, realm, record, region, regnancy, reign, reins of government, republic, round, rule, satellite, say, seigniory, seneschalty, settlement, sovereign nation, sovereignty, sphere, state, sultanate, superiority, superpower, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, sway, talons, terrain, territory, the lead, top priority, top spot, toparchia, toparchy, upper hand, urgency, walk, whip hand, zenith