Synonyms and related words :
accommodate, accord, administer, afford, allot, allow, award, bequeath, bestow, bestow on, chip in, clothe, communicate, confer, contribute, contribute to, deal, deal out, devote, dish out, dispense, dole, dole out, donate to, endow, extend, fill, fill up, find, fork out, fund, furnish, gift, gift with, give, give away, give freely, give out, give to, grant, hand, hand out, heap, help to, impart, invest, issue, keep, kick in, lavish, let have, maintain, make available, make provision for, mete, mete out, offer, pledge, pour, prepare, present, proffer, provide, provide for, rain, recruit, render, replenish, serve, shell out, shower, slip, snow, stock, store, subscribe, subscribe to, subsidize, supply, support, sweeten the kitty, tender, vouchsafe, will, yield