Synonyms and related words :
KO, Laodicean, Olympian, Quaker-colored, Spartan, abate, abeyant, abrupt, achromatic, achromatize, achromic, acier, affectless, allay, alleviate, aloof, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, apathetic, appease, arctic, arid, ascetic, ashen, ashy, asleep, assuage, asthenic, attemper, attenuate, austere, autistic, backward, bad, baffle, bald, banausic, bank the fire, bare, barren, bate, bated, becloud, bedaze, bedim, beef-witted, befog, benumb, benumbed, besot, betwixt and between, blah, blanch, blank, blase, bleach, blear, blear-witted, bled white, blind, bloodless, blue, bluff, blunt, blunt-edged, blunt-ended, blunt-pointed, blunt-witted, blunted, bluntish, blur, blurry, bored, boring, bovine, brainless, broken-record, bromidic, cadaverous, callous, candid, canescent, cast down, cataleptic, catatonic, characterless, chasten, chicken, chill, chilly, chloranemic, chloroform, cinereous, cinerous, cloddish, cloud, clouded, cloudy, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldcock, coldhearted, colorless, comatose, common, commonplace, constrain, control, cool, cowardly, cramp, crass, cripple, cushion, damp, damped, dampen, dampened, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dark, darken, de-emphasize, dead, deaden, deaden the pain, deadened, deadly pale, deafen, deathly pale, debilitate, debilitated, decolor, decolorize, dejected, dense, depressed, depressing, desensitize, desensitized, detached, devitalize, dim, dim-witted, diminish, dimmed, dingy, direct, discolor, discolored, disedge, disinterested, dismal, dispassionate, dispirited, doltish, dope, dopey, dormant, dove-colored, dove-gray, down, downhearted, downplay, drab, draggy, drain, drain of color, draw the teeth, drearisome, dreary, drooping, droopy, drug, drugged, dry, dryasdust, dull of mind, dull-edged, dull-headed, dull-pated, dull-pointed, dull-witted, dulled, dullish, dumb, dun, duncical, dusty, earthbound, ease, ease matters, edgeless, effete, elephantine, emotionally dead, emotionless, empty, enervate, enervated, enfeeble, etherize, etiolate, etiolated, even-tempered, everlasting, eviscerate, exanimate, exhaust, exhausting, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, extenuate, fade, faded, fagging, faint, faintish, fair, fair to middling, faired, fairish, fallow, fat-witted, fatiguing, feeble, feebleminded, flabby, flaccid, flat, floppy, foment, foul, frank, freeze, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, fume, ghastly, give relief, glaucescent, glaucous, gloomy, gone, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grey, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, groggy, gross-headed, gruel, gutless, haggard, half-witted, hard, hardened, harping, hazy, heartless, heavy, hebetate, hebetudinous, ho-hum, hollow, homely, homespun, hopeless, hueless, humdrum, hypochromic, icy, imbecile, immovable, impassible, impassive, imperceptive, impercipient, imperturbable, impotent, in a stupor, in abeyance, in suspense, inactive, inane, inanimate, indifferent, indistinct, inert, inexcitable, infecund, infertile, inirritable, insensate, insensible, insensitive, insentient, insipid, insouciant, insusceptible, inured, invariable, irksome, iron-gray, jaded, jejune, jog-trot, kayo, keep within bounds, knock out, knock senseless, knock stiff, knock unconscious, lackadaisical, lackluster, languid, languorous, latent, lay, lay low, lay out, lead-gray, leaden, lean, lenify, lessen, lethargic, lifeless, lighten, limber, limp, listless, literal, livid, logy, long-winded, low-spirited, lowering, lull, lumpish, lurid, lusterless, lustless, marrowless, mat, matter-of-fact, mealy, mediocre, medium, middling, mitigate, moderate, modest, modulate, mollify, monotone, monotonous, moribund, moronic, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, muddy, muffle, muffled, mull, mundane, murky, mute, muted, namby-pamby, narcotize, natural, neat, nerveless, neutral, nonchalant, nonemotional, nubilous, numb, numbed, numbing, numskulled, obdurate, objective, obscure, obtund, obtundent, obtuse, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, opaque, open, ordinary, out of touch, overcast, overclouded, pad, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, palliate, pallid, palsy, paralyze, passable, passionless, passive, pasty, patient, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, pedestrian, peroxide, phlegmatic, pithless, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, play down, plodding, pluckless, poetryless, pointless, poky, ponderous, pooped, poultice, pour balm into, pour oil on, powerless, prolix, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pure, put to sleep, rattle, reduce, reduce the temperature, relieve, repress, resigned, respectable, restrain, retard, retund, rocky, rounded, rubbery, rustic, sad, sallow, salve, sap, sapless, sated, sedentary, self-absorbed, severe, shake, shake up, sickly, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, simple, simple-speaking, simpleminded, sinewless, singsong, slack, slacken, slake, slate-colored, slaty, sleeping, sleepy, slow, slow down, slow-witted, sluggish, slumbering, smoke-gray, smoky, smoldering, smoothed, smother, smothered, so-so, sober, sober down, soft, soft-pedal, soften, soften up, softened, solemn, somber, somnolent, soothe, soporific, sordo, soulless, spare, spineless, spiritless, spunkless, stagnant, stagnating, staid, standing, stark, static, steady, steel-gray, steely, sterile, stiff, stifle, stifled, stodgy, stoic, stolid, stone-colored, stop, straightforward, strengthless, stuffy, stultified, stun, stupe, stupefied, stupefy, stupid, subdue, subdued, subfusc, sunless, superficial, supine, suppress, suspended, tallow-faced, tame, tarnish, tasteless, taupe, tedious, temper, thick, thick-brained, thick-headed, thick-pated, thick-skinned, thick-witted, thickskulled, tiresome, tiring, tolerable, tone down, toneless, torpid, treadmill, tune down, turn, unadorned, unaffected, unaffectionate, unaroused, unbrace, uncaring, uncolored, unconcerned, undermine, underplay, undisturbable, unedged, unembellished, unemotional, uneventful, unfanciful, unfeeling, unfelt, unflappable, unhardened, unideal, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, uninspired, uninterested, uninteresting, uninventive, unirritable, unlively, unloving, unman, unnerve, unnerved, unnervous, unoriginal, unpassionate, unperceptive, unpoetic, unpoetical, unpointed, unresponding, unresponsive, unromantic, unromanticized, unsharp, unsharpened, unstrengthen, unstring, unstrung, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, unvarnished, unvarying, vapid, vegetable, vegetative, wan, wash out, washed-out, waxen, weak, weaken, weakly, weariful, wearisome, weary, whey-faced, white, whiten, wishy-washy, withdrawn, wooden, world-weary,