Synonyms and related words :
abiding, age-long, aged, amphibian, ancient, angiosperm, annual, antique, aquatic plant, arborary, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent, arboresque, arborical, arboriform, biennial, bushlike, bushy, callow, chronic, citrous, conifer, coniferous, constant, continuing, cosmopolite, cutting, deciduous, deciduous plant, dendriform, dendritic, dendroid, dewy, dicot, dicotyledon, diuturnal, durable, enduring, ephemeral, ever-blooming, ever-new, exotic, firsthand, fledgling, flowering plant, fresh, fruit tree, fungus, gametophyte, green, gymnosperm, half-hardy, hardwood, hardwood tree, hardy, hydrophyte, immature, immutable, indeciduous, intact, intransient, inveterate, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, long-term, macrobiotic, maiden, maidenly, monocot, monocotyl, neoteric, nestling, new, nondeciduous, of long duration, of long standing, original, perdurable, perduring, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting, piny, plant, pollard, polycot, polycotyl, polycotyledon, pristine, raw, remaining, sapling, scrubbly, scrubby, scrublike, seed plant, seedling, sempervirent, shade tree, shrubby, shrublike, softwood, softwood tree, spermatophyte, sporophyte, stable, staying, steadfast, thallophyte, timber, timber tree, tough, tree, treelike, triennial, unbeaten, undeveloped, unfading, unfledged, unhandled, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, vascular plant, vegetable, vernal, virgin, virginal, vital, weed, young