Synonyms and related words :
allegorization, anacrusis, apocalypse, article, assignment, auto show, baring, bass passage, bazaar, boat show, bourdon, bridge, burden, cadence, causerie, chalk talk, chorus, clarification, coda, commentary, commercial complex, construction, cosmorama, cracking, critique, cyclorama, decipherment, declaration, decoding, delineation, demonstration, demythologization, descant, description, development, diorama, disclosing, disclosure, discourse, discovering, discovery, discussion, display, disquisition, dissertation, division, editing, elucidation, emendation, emporium, enactment, enlightenment, enunciation, essay, etude, euhemerism, examination, excursus, exegesis, exemplification, exercise, exhibit, exhibition, explanation, explication, expo, expose, exposure, expounding, fair, feature, figure, first approach, flea fair, flea market, folderol, georama, harangue, harmonic close, homework, homily, illumination, illustration, instruction, interlude, intermezzo, interpretation, introductory phrase, introductory study, laying bare, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lesson, light, light show, lucubration, manifestation, market, market overt, marketplace, mart, measure, memoir, monograph, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, morceau, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence, myriorama, note, object lesson, open market, opening, ornament, ostentation, outline, pageant, pageantry, pandect, panorama, paper, parade, paragraph, part, passage, patefaction, performance, period, phantasmagoria, phrase, piece, plaza, pomp, preachment, preliminary study, presentation, presentment, production, projection, prolegomenon, psychedelic show, rationale, reason, recital, recitation, refrain, removing the veil, representation, research paper, resolution, response, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rialto, ritornello, screed, section, sermon, set task, shifting scene, shopping center, shopping mall, shopping plaza, show, showing, showing up, showup, sight, simplification, sketch, skull session, solution, special article, spectacle, stage show, stanza, staple, statement, strain, street market, stripping, study, survey, tableau, tableau vivant, tailpiece, talk, task, teaching, term paper, theme, thesis, tract, tractate, trade fair, treatise, treatment, tutti, tutti passage, uncloaking, uncovering, unfolding, unfoldment, unlocking, unmasking, unveiling, unwrapping, variation, varnishing day, vernissage, verse