Synonyms and related words :
at haphazard, at intervals, at irregular intervals, at random, brokenly, by catches, by chance, by fits, by jerks, by skips, by snatches, capriciously, carelessly, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically, erratically, flutteringly, haltingly, haphazardly, here and there, hit or miss, in snatches, in spots, inconstantly, indiscriminately, infrequently, intermittently, irregularly, jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, occasionally, off and on, patchily, per saltum, promiscuously, quakingly, quaveringly, quiveringly, randomly, roughly, saltatorily, shakily, shudderingly, skippingly, sloppily, spasmodically, sporadically, spottily, tremblingly, tremulously, uncertainly, unevenly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadily, unsystematically, variably, waveringly, whimsically, willy-nilly, wobblingly,