Synonyms and related words :
Chateaubriand, advance against, advance upon, advocate, bank, beam, bear down upon, blade roast, border, breast, brisket, broadside, champion, cheek, chop, chuck, chuck roast, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambulate, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumvent, clod, close the circle, coast, cold cuts, come full circle, compass, counterattack, cycle, defend, describe a circle, drive, edge, encircle, encompass, filet mignon, gas, girdle, girdle the globe, go about, go around, go round, go the round, guard, guard against, gyre, hand, handedness, haunch, hip, infiltrate, jowl, knuckle, lap, laterality, launch an attack, line, loin, make a circuit, many-sidedness, march against, march upon, mount an attack, multilaterality, open an offensive, orbit, outflank, planking, plate, plate piece, pot roast, profile, protect, push, quarter, rack, revolve, rib roast, ribs, roast, rolled roast, round, rump, rump roast, saddle, safeguard, screen, secure, shank, shield, shore, short ribs, shoulder, shoulder clod, side, siding, sirloin, skirt, spiral, strike, surround, temple, tenderloin, thrust, unilaterality, wheel