Meaning of FREIGHT in English

Synonyms and related words :

Amtrak, air express, air-express, airfreight, airlift, airmail, asportation, bag, baggage, baggage train, bale, barrel, bear, bear hard upon, bearing, bottle, box, brim, burden, burdening, burthen, cable railroad, can, cargo, carload, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, cartload, charge, charging, chock, choo-choo, cog railroad, cog railway, conduct, congest, consign, consignment, convey, conveyance, cram, crate, cross, crowd, cumber, cumbrance, deadweight, delivery, difficulty, disadvantage, dispatch, drag, drayage, drop a letter, duty, el, electric, electric train, elevated, embark, embarrassment, encumber, encumbrance, expedite, export, express, express train, expressage, ferriage, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, flier, fly, forward, freight train, freightage, freighter, funicular, goods, goods train, hamper, handicap, haul, haulage, hauling, heap, heap up, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, inconvenience, incubus, incumbency, interurban, jam, jam-pack, lade, lading, lift, lighterage, lightning express, limited, load, loading, local, lug, luggage, lugging, lumber, mail, manhandle, mass, metro, milk train, millstone, monorail, onus, oppress, oppression, overburden, overfill, overload, overtax, overtaxing, overweight, overweighting, pack, pack away, packing, pad, parliamentary, parliamentary train, passenger train, payload, penalty, pile, pocket, portage, porterage, post, poundage, press hard upon, pressure, rack-and-pinion railroad, railroad train, railway express, ram in, rattler, remit, rest hard upon, rolling stock, sack, saddle, saddling, satiate, saturate, send, send away, send forth, send off, ship, shipload, shipment, shipping, shuttle, shuttle train, special, stack, store, stow, streamliner, stuff, subway, supercharge, superincumbency, surcharge, surfeit, take, task, tax, taxing, telpherage, tonnage, top off, tote, toting, trailerload, train, trainload, transmit, transport, transportation, transshipment, trouble, truckage, truckload, tube, underground, vanload, wad, waft, waftage, wagonage, way train, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon, weight, whisk, white elephant, wing

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