Meaning of FRET in English

Synonyms and related words :

ablate, abrade, abrase, ache, achievement, aching, afflict, aggravate, agitate, agonize, ail, air a grievance, alerion, angina, animal charge, annoy, annulet, arabesque, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, arouse, azure, backache, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, bark, basketry, basketwork, baton, be concerned, be livid, be pissed, bearings, beat, beat up, beef, bellyache, bend, bend sinister, beset, billet, bitch, bite, blazon, blazonry, bleed, blemish, bloody, bluster, boil, bordure, bother, break, bristle, broad arrow, brood, brood over, browned off, bug, burn, burn to, cadency mark, cancellation, canton, carp at, carry on, cephalalgia, chafe, chaplet, charge, check, chevron, chief, chip, churn, churn up, clamor, claw, coat of arms, cockatrice, cockle, colic, collywobbles, complain, concern, convulse, coronet, crab, crack, craze, crescent, crest, croak, cross, cross moline, cross-hatching, crossing-out, crown, crucify, cut, device, difference, differencing, dimple, disarrange, discompose, disquiet, distress, disturb, dither, dog, dudgeon, eagle, earache, embitter, embitterment, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, erode, escutcheon, exacerbate, exacerbation, exasperate, excite, excoriate, excruciate, exercise, falcon, ferment, fess, fess point, fester, field, file, filigree, flanch, flap, fleur-de-lis, flurry, fluster, flusteration, flustration, flutter, foofaraw, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret and fume, fret at, fretwork, fume, fur, fusil, fuss, fuss at, gall, garland, gash, get excited, give pain, gnaw, gnaw away, gnawing, go on, grate, grate on, grating, gravel, graze, grid, gridiron, grieve, griffin, grille, grillwork, grind, gripe, gripes, grit, groan, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grump, grunt, gules, gut-ache, gyron, hachure, harass, hardly wait, harrow, harry, hassle, hasten, hatching, hatchment, haunt, have a conniption, headache, heartburn, helmet, hemicrania, henpeck, heraldic device, high dudgeon, holler, honor point, hound, howl, huff, hurt, impalement, impaling, incense, incise, inescutcheon, inflame, inflict pain, injure, interlacement, intertexture, intertwinement, irk, irritant, irritate, irritation, itch to, jump the gun, kick, kill by inches, label, lace, lacerate, lacery, lacework, lacing, lather, lattice, latticework, lion, lodge a complaint, lozenge, maim, make mincemeat of, mantling, marshaling, martlet, martyr, martyrize, mascle, maul, megrim, mesh, meshes, meshwork, metal, miff, migraine, mope, motto, mourn, mullet, murmur, mutilate, mutter, nag, net, netting, nettle, network, nibble at, niggle, nip, nombril point, octofoil, odontalgia, or, ordinary, orle, otalgia, paddle, pain, pale, paly, pean, peck at, peeve, persecute, perturb, perturbate, pester, pet, pheon, pick at, pick on, pierce, pinch, pine, pine away, pique, pissed off, plague, plexure, plexus, pother, prick, prolong the agony, provocation, provoke, pucker, puncture, purpure, put to torture, pyrosis, quarter, quartering, rack, raddle, rage, raise Cain, raise a howl, raise hell, raise the devil, raise the roof, rankle, rant, rant and rave, rasp, rave, raze, register a complaint, rend, reticle, reticulation, reticule, reticulum, riddle, riffle, rile, rip, ripple, roil, rose, roughen, rub, rub away, rub off, rub out, ruffle, rumple, run, rupture, sable, saltire, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scour, scrape, scratch, screen, screening, scrub, scuff, scutcheon, seethe, set on edge, set up, shake, shake up, shield, sick headache, sieve, simmer, sizzle, skin, slash, slit, smoke, smolder, sorrow, splitting headache, sprain, spread eagle, squawk, squirm, stab, stew, stick, sting, stir, stir the blood, stir up, stomachache, storm, strain, subordinary, sulk, sweat, sweat and stew, sweat it out, swirl, swivet, take on, tatter, tear, tenne, texture, throbbing pain, throw a fit, tiff, tincture, tissue, tizzy, toothache, torment, torse, torture, tracery, traumatize, trellis, trelliswork, tweak, twist, twitter, twitteration, unicorn, upset, vair, vert, vex, wait impatiently, wattle, wear, wear away, wear down, wear off, wear out, wear ragged, weather, weave, weaving, web, webbing, webwork, weft, whine, whip, whip up, whisk, wicker, wickerwork, work up, worry, wound, wreath, wrench, wring, yale, yap, yap at, yelp

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