Synonyms and related words :
Berlin wall, China, Darkest Africa, God knows where, Greenland, North Pole, Outer Mongolia, Pago Pago, Pillars of Hercules, Siberia, South Pole, Thule, Tierra del Fuego, Timbuktu, Ultima Thule, Yukon, anteriority, antipodes, back country, backcountry, backwash, backwater, backwoods, bamboo curtain, bold front, boondock, boondocks, border, border ground, border line, bordering, borderland, borderline, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounding, bounds, bourn, brave face, brave front, break boundary, breakoff point, brush, bush, bush country, bushveld, ceiling, circumscription, coastal, compass, confine, cutoff, cutoff point, dark horse, deadline, delimitation, determinant, determinative, determining, display, division line, end, enigma, extreme, extremes, extremity, facade, face, facet, facia, finish, floor, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, forests, foreword, fringing, front, front elevation, front line, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier post, frontiers of knowledge, frontispiece, godforsaken place, hack, head, heading, hedge, high-water mark, hinterland, interface, iron curtain, jumping-off place, lap, limbic, limen, liminal, limit, limitation, limiting, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, littoral, low-water mark, lower limit, march, marches, marchland, marginal, mark, matter of ignorance, mete, mystery, n, nowhere, obverse, outback, outer space, outlandish, outpost, outskirts, pale, pole, preface, prefix, priority, proscenium, puzzle, remote, riddle, rimming, sealed book, skirting, start, starting line, starting point, sticks, target date, term, terminal, terminal date, terminus, terra incognita, the Great Divide, the South Seas, the boondocks, the bush, the incalculable, the moon, the sticks, the strange, the tullies, the unfamiliar, the unknowable, the unknown, three-mile limit, threshold, timbers, time allotment, twelve-mile limit, unexplored ground, unexplored territory, uninhabited region, unknown quantity, unsettled, up-country, upper limit, virgin land, virgin territory, wasteland, wild West, wilderness, wilds, window dressing, woodlands, woods, x, z