Synonyms and related words :
Gongoresque, Johnsonian, affected, bedazzling, bedizened, big-sounding, blatant, blinding, brazen, brazenfaced, bright, bright and shining, brilliant, cheap, chintzy, colorful, convoluted, crude, dazzling, declamatory, effulgent, elevated, euphuistic, extravagant, flagrant, flamboyant, flaming, flaring, flash, flashy, flaunting, florid, fulgent, fulgid, fulsome, gaudy, glaring, glary, gorgeous, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, harsh, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-sounding, highfalutin, inkhorn, labyrinthine, lexiphanic, lofty, loud, lurid, magniloquent, meretricious, obtrusive, orotund, ostentatious, overbright, overdone, overelaborate, overinvolved, overwrought, pedantic, pompous, pretentious, raffish, raw, refulgent, resplendent, rhetorical, screaming, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, shameless, showy, shrieking, sonorous, spectacular, splendent, splendid, splendorous, stilted, tall, tasteless, tawdry, tinsel, tortuous, vivid, vulgar