Synonyms and related words :
Baba Yaga, Dracula, Frankenstein, Lilith, Wolf-man, afreet, ape-man, barghest, body snatcher, bogey, bogeyman, booster, bugaboo, bugbear, cacodemon, chicken thief, con man, crook, daeva, demon, den of thieves, devil, devil incarnate, dybbuk, embezzler, evil genius, evil spirit, fee-faw-fum, fiend, fiend from hell, filcher, frightener, ganef, genie, genius, ghost, grafter, grave robber, gyre, harpy, hellhound, hellion, hellkite, hobgoblin, holy terror, horror, incubus, jewel thief, jinni, jinniyeh, lamia, land pirate, land shark, land-grabber, larcener, larcenist, lifter, monster, nightmare, ogre, ogress, peculator, petty thief, phantom, pilferer, poacher, prowler, purloiner, rakshasa, revenant, robber, satan, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, scrounger, shedu, shoplifter, sneak thief, specter, stealer, succubus, swindler, terror, the undead, thief, vampire, werewolf, white-collar thief, yogini