Synonyms and related words :
alveolation, alveolus, ambrosia, artificial sweetener, auger, bespread, bite, blackstrap, bore, broach, calcium cyclamate, cane syrup, clover honey, colander, comb honey, corn syrup, countersink, crawl with, creep with, cribble, cribriformity, cribrosity, cyclamates, dent, diffuse, dimple, dint, drill, edulcoration, empierce, extend throughout, fill, fix, furrow, gore, gouge, gouge out, hole, honey, honeydew, honeypot, imbue, impale, impress, impression, imprint, indent, indentation, indention, indenture, lance, leave no void, leaven, maple syrup, mine, molasses, nectar, needle, net, notch, occupy, overrun, overset, overspread, overswarm, overthrow, overturn, penetrate, perforate, permeate, pervade, pierce, pink, pit, pock, pockmark, porosity, porousness, prick, print, punch, puncture, ream, ream out, riddle, run through, sabotage, saccharification, saccharin, sap, sap the foundations, screen, sieve, sievelikeness, skewer, sodium cyclamate, sorghum, spear, spike, spit, sponge, stab, stick, strainer, subvert, suffuse, sugar, sugar-making, sugaring off, sunken part, swarm with, sweetener, sweetening, sweets, syrup, tap, teem with, throw down, throw over, transfix, transfuse, transpierce, treacle, trepan, trephine, undermine, upend, upset, weaken