Synonyms and related words :
ache, an universal wolf, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, aspire after, be ravenous, break bread, canine appetite, cannibalism, carnivorism, carnivority, carnivorousness, chewing, consumption, count calories, covet, coveting, crave, crave after, craving, crawl after, cropping, cupidity, deglutition, desire, devouring, devourment, diet, dieting, dining, drought, dryness, eat, eating, emptiness, empty stomach, epulation, eye hungrily, fall to, famine, fare, feasting, feed, feeding, feel hungry, gluttony, gobbling, grazing, hanker, hanker after, hankering, have a tapeworm, herbivorism, herbivority, herbivorousness, hollow hunger, hunger after, hunger for, hungriness, ingestion, itch, itching, licking, longing, lust, lust after, manducation, mania, mastication, messing, munching, nibbling, nutrition, omnivorism, omnivorousness, omophagy, pant after, pantophagy, partake, partake of, pasture, pasturing, pecking, pine, pitch in, polydipsia, prurience, pruriency, raven, ravenousness, regalement, relish, relishing, rumination, run mad after, savor, savoring, sexual desire, sigh, starvation, starve, stomach, sweet tooth, take, tapeworm, taste, tasting, thirst, thirst after, thirst for, thirstiness, torment of Tantalus, vegetarianism, voraciousness, voracity, want, wolfing, yearn, yearning, yen