Synonyms and related words :
bathe, beat into, besprinkle, brainwash, breathe, brew, catechize, charge, color, condition, cross-fertilize, cross-pollen, cross-pollinate, cross-pollinize, decoct, douche, dredge, drench, dress, drouk, dye, enrich, entincture, fatten, fecundate, fecundify, fertilize, fill, flavor, flush, fructify, get with child, get with young, imbrue, imbue, implant, impress, inculcate, indoctrinate, infiltrate, infix, infuse, inject, inoculate, inseminate, instill, interpenetrate, lave, leach, leaven, lixiviate, macerate, manure, penetrate, percolate, permeate, pervade, pollen, pollinate, pollinize, program, prolificate, rinse, saturate, season, seethe, soak, sodden, sop, souse, spermatize, steep, suffuse, temper, tincture, tinge, transfuse, wash, waterlog