Synonyms and related words :
Baba Yaga, Dracula, Frankenstein, Lilith, Wolf-man, afreet, bad dream, bale, barghest, bogey, bogeyman, brown study, bugaboo, bugbear, burden, burdening, burthen, cacodemon, cargo, charge, charging, cumber, cumbrance, daeva, daydream, deadweight, demon, devil, drag, dream, dybbuk, evil spirit, fee-faw-fum, fiend, fiend from hell, freight, frightener, genie, genius, ghost, ghoul, gyre, handicap, hellion, hobgoblin, holy terror, horror, incumbency, jinni, jinniyeh, lading, lamia, load, loading, millstone, monster, nightmare, ogre, ogress, oppression, overload, overtaxing, overweighting, phantom, pipe dream, pressure, rakshasa, revenant, reverie, saddling, satan, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, shedu, specter, succubus, superincumbency, surcharge, taxing, terror, the undead, vampire, vision, werewolf, yogini