Synonyms and related words :
abstract, aleatoric, aleatory, ambiguous, amorphic, amorphous, anarchic, baffling, baggy, bewildering, bland, blear, bleared, bleary, blobby, blurred, blurry, boundless, broad, chance, chancy, chaotic, characterless, collective, confused, confusing, cryptic, dark, dim, disordered, disorderly, endless, enduring, equivocal, faint, featureless, feeble, filmy, foggy, formless, fuzzy, general, generalized, generic, half-seen, half-visible, hazy, hesitant, hit-or-miss, ill-defined, immeasurable, imprecise, inaccurate, incalculable, inchoate, incoherent, inconspicuous, inconstant, indecisive, indefinable, indelible, indestructible, indeterminable, indeterminate, indistinct, indistinguishable, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inexact, inexplicit, infinite, inform, kaleidoscopic, lax, limitless, loose, low-profile, lumpen, measureless, merely glimpsed, misty, mystifying, nebulous, neutral, nondescript, nonspecific, obscure, orderless, out of focus, pale, permanent, puzzling, random, semivisible, shadowed forth, shadowy, shapeless, shilly-shallying, stochastic, sub judice, sweeping, unbounded, uncertain, uncharacterized, unclear, uncountable, uncounted, undecided, undefinable, undefined, undestined, undestroyable, undetermined, undifferentiated, unerasable, unfixed, unknown, unlimited, unmeasured, unordered, unorganized, unplain, unrecognizable, unsettled, unspecific, unspecified, unsure, vacillating, vague, veiled, wavering, weak, wide, wishy-washy