Synonyms and related words :
aleatoric, aleatory, alike, ambiguous, amorphous, barely audible, blear, bleared, bleary, blind, blobby, blurred, blurry, breathy, broad, chance, chancy, chaotic, choked, choking, clear as mud, cloudy, confused, croaking, dark, decrescendo, dim, disordered, distant, drawling, drawly, dysphonic, equivocal, faint, faint-voiced, feeble, filmy, foggy, fuzzy, general, gentle, guttural, half-heard, half-seen, half-visible, harsh, hawking, hazy, hit-or-miss, hoarse, ill-defined, illegible, imprecise, inaccurate, inarticulate, inchoate, incoherent, inconspicuous, indecisive, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinctive, indistinguishable, inexact, inseparable, interchangeable, lax, lisping, loose, low, low-profile, merely glimpsed, mispronounced, misty, muddy, muffled, murky, murmured, muzzy, nasal, nebulous, nonspecific, obscure, opaque, orderless, out of focus, pale, pianissimo, piano, quavering, random, scarcely heard, semivisible, shadowed forth, shadowy, shaking, shaky, shapeless, snuffling, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, standard, stereotyped, stifled, stochastic, strangled, subaudible, subdued, sweeping, thick, throaty, transcendent, tremulous, twangy, uncertain, unclear, undefined, undestined, undetermined, undifferentiated, undiscriminated, undistinguishable, undistinguished, uniform, unintelligible, unplain, unrecognizable, unspecified, vague, veiled, velar, weak, weak-voiced, whispered, without distinction