Synonyms and related words :
affection, ardor, blind faith, bug, calf love, case, craze, crazy fancy, credulity, credulousness, crush, devotion, disposition to believe, dotage, ease of belief, enthusiasm, fanaticism, fascination, fondness, frenzy, furor, furore, fury, gross credulity, gust, gusto, likes, liking, love, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, mash, obsession, overambitiousness, overanxiety, overanxiousness, overcredulity, overcredulousness, overeagerness, overenthusiasm, overopenness to conviction, overtrustfulness, overzealousness, pash, passing fancy, passion, puppy love, rage, rash conviction, relish, stultification, taste, trustfulness, uncritical acceptance, uncriticalness, unquestioning belief, unripe acceptation, unskepticalness, unsuspectingness, unsuspiciousness, weakness, will to believe, willingness to believe, wishful belief, wishful thinking, zealotism, zealotry