Meaning of INFINITELY in English

Synonyms and related words :

a outrance, abroad, absolutely, abundantly, acervatim, ad infinitum, all out, beyond all bounds, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, boundlessly, broadly, ceaselessly, completely, constantly, continually, copiously, countlessly, dead, downright, endlessly, essentially, eternally, everlastingly, extensively, extremely, far and near, far and wide, flat out, forever, fundamentally, illimitably, immeasurably, immensely, in crowds, in heaps, in perpetuity, in the extreme, in throngs, incalculably, incessantly, incomprehensibly, indefinitely, indestructibly, inexhaustibly, innumerably, interminably, limitlessly, measurelessly, most, multitudinously, never-endingly, no end, numerously, on all sides, on every side, perdurably, perennially, perfectly, permanently, perpetually, prodigally, profusely, purely, radically, right and left, steadily, thickly, time without end, to infinity, totally, unceasingly, unconditionally, unendingly, unequivocally, utterly, vastly, widely, with a vengeance, without end, without limit, world without end

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