Meaning of INTERMISSION in English

Synonyms and related words :

abeyance, act, afterpiece, bit, breach, break, breath, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, caesura, catharsis, cease-fire, cessation, chaser, cigarette break, cleansing, cocktail hour, coffee break, cold storage, curtain, curtain call, curtain raiser, day off, deliverance, discharge, divertimento, divertissement, doldrums, dormancy, downtime, drop, emotional release, enforced respite, epilogue, exode, exodus, expository scene, finale, fissure, freeing, gap, half time, half-time intermission, halt, happy hour, hesitation, hiatus, hoke act, holiday, interim, interlude, intermezzo, intermittence, interregnum, interruption, interval, introduction, lacuna, lapse, latency, layoff, letup, lull, number, off-time, parenthesis, pause, plateau, point of repose, prologue, purgation, purge, purging, quiescence, quiescency, quiet spell, recess, release, relief, remission, removal, reprieve, respite, rest, resting point, routine, scene, shtick, sketch, skit, song and dance, spell, stand-down, stand-up comedy act, stay, striptease, surcease, suspension, tea break, time off, time out, truce, turn, vacation

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