Synonyms and related words :
Micawberish, apathetic, backward, balking, balky, bone-lazy, cadging, clock watcher, comatose, dallier, dallying, dawdle, dawdler, delaying, deliberate, diddler, dilatory, dillydallier, dillydallying, do-nothing, doless, dolittle, doodler, drone, dronish, drony, easy, easygoing, ergophobic, faineant, foot-dragger, foot-dragging, gentleman of leisure, goldbrick, goldbricker, good-for-nothing, goof-off, grudging, idler, impassive, indifferent, indolent, lackadaisical, lagging, lax, lazy, lazybones, leisurely, lethargic, lie-abed, lingerer, lingering, loafer, loath, loiterer, loitering, loller, lotus-eater, lounger, lubber, mope, moper, nonaggressive, parasitic, perfunctory, phlegmatic, plodder, potterer, procrastinating, procrastinative, procrastinator, procrastinatory, putterer, reluctant, remiss, renitent, restive, scrounging, shiftless, shuffling, slack, sleepyhead, slothful, slouch, sloucher, slow, slow goer, slow to, slow-foot, slowbelly, slowpoke, slug, sluggard, sluggish, snail, sponging, stick-in-the-mud, straggler, time killer, time waster, tortoise, trifler, unenterprising, unenthusiastic, unhasty, unhurried, unzealous, waiter on Providence, work-shy