Synonyms and related words :
Spartan, accepting, accommodating, accommodative, admissive, agreeable, allowing, armed with patience, attentive, balmy, bland, bleeding, careless, charitable, clement, commiserative, compassionate, complaisant, condolent, consenting, considerate, delicate, disciplined, easy, easygoing, endurant, enduring, faint, forbearant, forbearing, forgiving, generous, gentle, heedful, helpful, human, humane, impotent, imprecise, indifferent, indulgent, kind, kindly, lax, long-suffering, longanimous, loose, magnanimous, melting, merciful, mild, mindful, mindful of others, moderate, negligent, nonprohibitive, obliging, overindulgent, overpermissive, patient, patient as Job, permissive, permitting, persevering, philosophical, pitying, regardful, relaxed, remiss, ruthful, self-controlled, slack, slipshod, sloppy, smooth, soft, softhearted, solicitous, sparing, stoic, suffering, sympathetic, sympathizing, tactful, tender, tenderhearted, thoughtful, tolerant, tolerating, tolerative, understanding, unprohibitive, unrestrained, warmhearted, weak