Meaning of LICKERISH in English

Synonyms and related words :

animal, aphrodisiomaniacal, appetitive, bawdy, carnal, clitoromaniacal, concupiscent, desiderative, desireful, desiring, desirous, dirty, eager, ejaculatory, erotic, eroticomaniacal, erotomaniacal, fleshly, goatish, gynecomaniacal, hoping, hormic, horny, hot, hot-blooded, hysteromaniacal, itching, ithyphallic, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinal, libidinous, lubricious, lustful, needing, nymphomaniacal, obscene, optative, orgasmic, orgastic, passionate, priapic, prurient, randy, salacious, satyric, sensual, sex-starved, sexual, sexy, steamy, tempted, unsatisfied, wanting, wishing

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