Meaning of MOBILIZATION in English

Synonyms and related words :

activation, activity, actuation, arms race, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, basic training, briefing, bugle call, call, call to arms, call-up, canvass, catchword, census, clarion, clarion call, clearing the decks, collection, colligation, collocation, combination, comparison, compulsory military service, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congregation, conscription, convergence, corralling, data-gathering, draft, draft call, drafting, dynamics, enlistment, enrollment, equipment, exhortation, familiarization, fixing, foundation, garrison state, gathering, go for broke, going, groundwork, gung ho, impressment, induction, ingathering, inventory, junction, juxtaposition, kinematics, kinesipathy, kinesis, kinesitherapy, kinetics, levy, makeready, making ready, manufacture, martial law, militarization, motion, motivation, move, movement, moving, muster, planning, prearrangement, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, prep, preparation, preparatory study, preparing, prepping, prerequisite, press, pretreatment, processing, propaedeutic, provision, rally, rallying cry, reactivation, readying, rebel yell, recruiting, recruitment, remilitarization, restlessness, rodeo, roundup, running, selective service, slogan, spadework, stir, stirring, summons, survey, training, treatment, trial, trumpet call, tryout, unrest, velocity, war clouds, war cry, war footing, war whoop, warm-up, wartime footing, watchword

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