Synonyms and related words :
a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, absurdity, abuse, affront, aggressive mimicry, apery, aspersion, atrocity, bagatelle, banter, bauble, bean, bibelot, bit, booing, brass farthing, brickbat, burlesque, butt, button, byword, byword of reproach, caricature, casuistry, catcalling, cent, chaffing, contempt, contumely, crossed fingers, cryptic mimicry, curio, cut, decrial, derision, despite, disappointment, disdain, disingenuousness, disparagement, dump, dupe, emptiness, enormity, fair game, farce, farthing, feather, fig, figure of fun, fleabite, fleering, flippancy, flout, flouting, folderol, fool, fooling, fribble, frippery, game, gaud, gazingstock, gewgaw, gibe, gimcrack, goat, grinning, hair, halfpenny, hill of beans, hissing, hollow mockery, hollowness, hooting, humiliation, imitation, impersonation, indignity, injury, insincerity, insult, jeer, jeering, jest, jester, jestingstock, jesuitry, joke, joshing, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, lampoon, laugh, laughingstock, leering, levity, mimicry, minikin, miscarriage, mock, molehill, monkey, offense, outrage, panning, parody, parrotry, pasquinade, pastiche, peppercorn, picayune, pilgarlic, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, playing possum, protective coloration, put-down, ragging, raillery, rallying, rap, razzing, red cent, ridicule, roasting, row of pins, rush, satire, scoff, scoffing, scorn, scurrility, semblance, sham, shit, smart-aleckiness, smartness, smirking, snap, sneering, sneeshing, snickering, sniggering, snorting, sophistry, sou, spoof, sport, squib, stock, straw, synaposematic mimicry, take-off, takeoff, target, taunt, taunting, tongue in cheek, toy, travesty, trifle, trinket, triviality, tuppence, twitting, two cents, twopence, uncandidness, uncandor, uncomplimentary remark, unfrankness, victim, whim-wham, wicked imitation