Synonyms and related words :
Argus, Atlantean, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, Cerberus, Charybdis, Cyclopean, Cyclops, Dracula, Echidna, Frankenstein, Gargantuan, Gorgon, Harpy, Herculean, Homeric, Hydra, Loch Ness monster, Mafioso, Medusa, Minotaur, Pegasus, Python, Scylla, Sphinx, Talos, Typhon, Wolf-man, Young Turk, abortion, abysmal, amplitudinous, ape-man, astronomic, astronomical, awesome, baboon, bag, beast, beldam, berserk, berserker, blemish, blot, bogey, bogeyman, bomber, boundless, brute, bugaboo, bugbear, bulky, centaur, chimera, cockatrice, colossal, cosmic, deformity, demon, devil, devil incarnate, dinosaur, dog, dragon, drake, elephant, elephantine, enormous, epic, extensive, eyesore, fee-faw-fum, fiend, fiend from hell, fire-eater, firebrand, freak, freak of nature, fright, frightener, fury, galactic, gargantuan, gargoyle, ghost, ghoul, giant, giantlike, gigantic, goon, gorilla, griffin, gunsel, hag, hardnose, harpy, harridan, hell-raiser, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, hellkite, heroic, hippo, hippocampus, hippopotamus, hobgoblin, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, horror, hothead, hotspur, huge, immeasurable, immense, incendiary, incubus, infinite, jumbo, killer, king-size, lamia, large, leviathan, mad dog, madcap, mammoth, massive, massy, mastodon, mermaid, merman, mess, mighty, miscreation, missing link, monstrosity, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, mugger, mutant, mutation, nightmare, nixie, no beauty, ogre, ogress, outsize, overgrown, phantom, prodigious, profound, rapist, revenant, revolutionary, roc, salamander, satyr, savage, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, sea horse, sea serpent, she-wolf, sight, siren, sizable, spacious, specter, spitfire, stupendous, succubus, teratism, termagant, terror, terrorist, tiger, tigress, titanic, tough, tough guy, towering, tremendous, troll, ugly customer, ugly duckling, unicorn, vampire, vast, violent, virago, vixen, voluminous, weighty, werewolf, whale, wild beast, windigo, witch, wolf, xiphopagus, zombie