Synonyms and related words :
Photostat, Telephoto, Wirephoto, X-ray, Xerox, aerial photograph, ambush, assail, assault, attack, babe, barbarize, batter, bazoo, beaker, black-and-white photograph, blackjack, blitz, blockhead, boob, bowl, bruiser, brutalize, bullyboy, burn, bushwhack, butcher, butt, byword, byword of reproach, calotype, candid photograph, capture on film, carry on, chalice, chaps, cheesecake, chops, chronophotograph, chump, cinch, coffee cup, color photograph, color print, come at, come down on, commit robbery, countenance, crack down on, credulous person, cull, declaim, derision, descend on, descend upon, destroy, dial, diapositive, dimwit, dolt, dope, dumbbell, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, eggcup, embouchure, face, facies, fair game, fall guy, fall on, fall upon, favor, features, figure of fun, film, fish, fool, gab, game, gang up on, gazingstock, glass, go at, go for, go on, goat, gob, gobe-mouches, goblet, goon, gorilla, greener, greenhorn, greeny, grimace, gudgeon, gull, gun, gunsel, ham, ham it up, hammer, harry, hatchet man, have at, heist, heliochrome, heliograph, hellion, highball glass, hijack, hit, hit like lightning, hold up, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, horn, idiot, ignoramus, innocent, jaw, jaws, jest, jestingstock, jigger, joke, jowls, jump, kisser, knock over, land on, laughingstock, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay waste, leadpipe cinch, light into, lineaments, lips, loot, loving cup, make a face, make a mouth, mandibles, map, mark, maul, maw, maxilla, microfilm, mockery, monkey, montage, mop, mop and mow, moue, mouth, mouthing, mow, mucker, mug shot, mugger, muscle man, mush, muzzle, noggin, numskull, oral cavity, out-herod Herod, overact, overdramatize, pan, patsy, phiz, photo, photobiography, photochronograph, photograph, photomap, photomicrograph, photomontage, photomural, physiognomy, picture, pigeon, pillage, pinup, pitch into, plaything, plug-ugly, pony, portrait, pounce upon, pound, pout, premaxilla, prize sap, pull a face, punk, pushover, puss, radiograph, rage, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rave, riot, rip off, roar, rob, rodman, roentgenograph, rough, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, ruin, sack, sail into, sap, saphead, savage, schlemiel, schooner, schooper, set on, set upon, shell, shoot, shot, shot glass, sitting duck, slaughter, slide, snap, snapshoot, snapshot, sow chaos, spout, stein, stick up, still, still photograph, stock, stooge, storm, strike, strong-arm man, sucker, surprise, swoop down on, take a photograph, take the offensive, talbotype, tankard, target, tassie, teacup, tear, tear around, telephotograph, terror, terrorize, throw away, thug, torpedo, tough, toy, transparency, trap, trigger man, trusting soul, tumbler, ugly customer, underact, vandalize, victim, violate, visage, wade into, wineglass, wreck, yap