Synonyms and related words :
aspirate, aspiration, bark, bated breath, bawl, bellow, bite, blare, blat, blubber, boom, bray, breath, breathe, breathy voice, buzz, cackle, champ, chant, chaw, chew, chew the cud, chew up, chirp, chomp, coo, crow, drawl, drone, droning, exclaim, exhalation, flute, fumble, gabble, gasp, gibber, gibbering, gnash, gnaw, grind, growl, grunt, gum, hammer, hiss, jabber, jibber, keen, lilt, limp, little voice, low voice, maffle, masticate, maunder, maundering, mouth, mouthing, muddle, mumbling, munch, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, mussitate, mutter, muttering, nibble, pant, pipe, roar, rumble, ruminate, rumor, scream, screech, shriek, shuffle, sibilate, sigh, sing, snap, snarl, snort, sob, soft voice, speak, speak incoherently, splutter, sputter, squall, squawk, squeal, stage whisper, stammer, still small voice, stumble, stutter, susurrate, susurration, susurrus, swallow, talk, thunder, trumpet, twang, underbreath, undertone, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice, wail, warble, whine, whisper, whispering, yap, yawp, yell, yelp