Synonyms and related words :
babe, baboon, beast, blockhead, blunderbuss, blunderer, blunderhead, boob, booby, boor, botcher, bruiser, brute, bull, bumbler, bumpkin, bungler, child, child of nature, chump, clod, clodhopper, clodknocker, clot, clown, dolt, dolthead, dove, dub, dupe, fathead, fumbler, galoot, gaum, gawk, gawky, gorilla, gowk, hayseed, hick, hulk, infant, ingenue, innocent, klutz, lamb, lobster, looby, lout, lubber, lug, lummox, lump, meathead, mere child, missing link, noble savage, ox, palooka, rube, simple soul, slob, slouch, slubberer, unsophisticate, yokel