Synonyms and related words :
adorn, bale, bear hard upon, burden, burdening, burthen, cargo, charge, charging, choke, congest, congestion, convolute, cram, crowd, cumber, cumbrance, deadweight, decorate, drag, drench, elaborate, embellish, embroider, encumber, encumbrance, engorgement, enrich, festoon, flourish, freight, gild, glut, gluttonize, go hard with, go ill with, gorge, hamper, handicap, hindrance, hyperemia, impede, impediment, incubus, incumbency, involve, jam, jam-pack, lade, lading, lie on, load, load with ornament, loading, millstone, oppress, oppression, ornament, overbrimming, overburden, overcharge, overfeed, overfill, overflow, overfreight, overfullness, overlade, overlay, overspill, overstuff, overtax, overtaxing, overweigh, overweight, overweighting, pack, plethora, press hard upon, pressure, repletion, rest hard upon, saddle, saddle with, saddling, satiate, satiety, saturate, saturation, soak, strain, stuff, supercharge, superincumbency, supersaturate, supersaturation, surcharge, surfeit, tax, taxing, trick out, try one, varnish, weigh down, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon