Synonyms and related words :
aberration, abnormality, absurdity, affectation, affection, anomaly, anticness, aroma, attribute, automatism, bad habit, badge, banner, bizarreness, bizarrerie, brand, cachet, caprice, cast, character, characteristic, command of language, conceit, configuration, crackpotism, crank, crankiness, crankism, creature of habit, crotchet, crotchetiness, curiousness, custom, cut, deformity, deviancy, deviation, device, differentia, differential, differentness, distinctive feature, divergence, dottiness, earmark, eccentricity, erraticism, erraticness, exaggeration, expression of ideas, fantasticality, fashion, feature, feeling for words, figure, flavor, force of habit, form of speech, freakiness, freakishness, grace of expression, grandiloquence, grotesqueness, grotesquerie, gust, habit, habit pattern, habitude, hallmark, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, image, impress, impression, index, indicant, indicator, individualism, inflation, insignia, irregularity, keynote, kink, lineaments, literary style, maggot, malformation, manner, manner of speaking, mannerism, mark, marking, measure, minauderie, mode, mode of expression, mold, monstrosity, monstrousness, nature, nonconformity, note, oddity, odor, outlandishness, particularity, pattern, peculiar trait, personal style, picture, practice, praxis, property, quaintness, quality, queerness, quip, quirk, quirkiness, representation, representative, rhetoric, savor, seal, second nature, sense of language, shape, sigil, sign, signal, signature, singularity, smack, speciality, specialty, stamp, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, strain, strangeness, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, sure sign, symptom, taint, tang, taste, telltale sign, teratism, the grand style, the plain style, the sublime, token, trademark, trait, trick, trick of behavior, twist, unconventionality, unnaturalness, usage, use, vein, way, weirdness, whim, whimsicality, whimsy, wont