Synonyms and related words :
PS, Parthian shot, Z, addendum, address, after-dinner speech, afterthought, allocution, apodosis, appendix, back matter, catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, chalk talk, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, conclusion, consequence, consummation, continuance, continuation, crack of doom, culmination, curtain, curtains, death, debate, decease, declamation, denouement, destination, destiny, diatribe, doom, double take, dying words, effect, end, end point, ending, envoi, epilogue, eschatology, eulogy, exhortation, expiration, fate, filibuster, final solution, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finis, finish, follow-through, follow-up, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, funeral oration, goal, harangue, hortatory address, inaugural, inaugural address, invective, izzard, jeremiad, last, last breath, last gasp, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end, omega, oration, parting shot, payoff, pep talk, period, philippic, pitch, postface, postfix, postlude, postscript, prepared speech, prepared text, public speech, quietus, reading, recital, recitation, refrain, resolution, resting place, sales talk, salutatory, salutatory address, say, screed, second thought, sequel, sequela, sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, set speech, speech, speechification, speeching, stoppage, stopping place, subscript, suffix, supplement, swan song, tag, talk, talkathon, term, terminal, termination, terminus, tirade, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, windup