Synonyms and related words :
Friday, Friday the thirteenth, adjunct, administer, allocate, allocation, allot, allotment, allowance, amount, antepast, appanage, appointed lot, apportion, apportionment, assign, assignment, astral influences, astrology, bag, bang, batch, beverage, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, bolt, book of fate, booster, booster dose, booster shot, break up, budget, bumper, bunch, carve, carve up, chunk, circumstance, clutch, coil, commission, component, consign, constellation, contingent, count, course, cover, cross section, cup, cut, cut up, deal, deal out, deck, dessert, destination, destiny, detachment, detail, dies funestis, disburse, dish, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribute, district, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, dividend, division, divvy, divvy up, dole, dole out, doom, dose, dot, dower, dowry, draft, dram, drench, drink, dropping, drug packet, end, endowment, entree, entremets, equal share, fatality, fate, fix, foredoom, fortune, foundation, fraction, fragment, future, give out, gob, group, gulp, guzzle, half, halver, heap, help, helping, hit, hunk, ides of March, inevitability, injection, installment, interest, investment, issue, item, jointure, kismet, lap, large amount, legal jointure, libation, lot, lump, mainlining, marriage portion, measure, measure out, meed, member, mess, mete, mete out, modicum, moiety, moira, morsel, narcotic shot, nip, number, overdose, pack, parcel, parcel out, part, particular, partition, pass around, pay out, peg, percentage, piece, place, planets, plate, platter, popping, portion out, potation, potion, proportion, prorate, pull, quadrant, quaff, quantity, quantum, quarter, quota, rake-off, random sample, ration, remainder, roll, run, sample, sampling, scrap, second helping, section, sector, segment, service, serving, settlement, share, share out, share with, shift, shot, sip, skin-popping, slice, slice the pie, slice up, sliver, slug, slurp, small amount, small share, snort, split, split up, spoon out, stake, stars, stock, strip, subdivide, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, suck, sum, sup, swig, swill, thirds, tot, unlucky day, wedge, weird, wheel of fortune, will of Heaven, zone