Meaning of PRESUMED in English

Synonyms and related words :

accounted as, alleged, anticipated, assumed, assumptive, awaited, conjectured, deemed, due, expected, forejudged, foreseen, given, granted, hinted, hoped-for, imminent, implicated, implied, in prospect, in view, indicated, inferred, intimated, involved, judged beforehand, long-expected, meant, on the horizon, overdue, postulated, postulational, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudicial, premised, presumptive, presupposed, presurmised, probable, promised, prospective, putative, reputed, suggested, supposed, suppositional, supposititious, suppositive, taken for granted, understood

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