Synonyms and related words :
aftertime, afteryears, airscape, anticipation, aptitude, aspect, aspiration, assumption, assurance, assured faith, bare possibility, by-and-by, certainty, chance, chances, cheerful expectation, cityscape, client, cloudscape, command, conceivability, conceivableness, confidence, contemplation, contingency, conviction, course ahead, crystal ball, customer, dekko, delve into, dependence, design, desire, determinism, dig into, discretion, distant future, domination, doomed hope, envisagement, envisionment, even chance, eventuality, expectancy, expectation, explore, eye, eyeful, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, fair expectation, fair prospect, faith, farseeingness, farsightedness, favorable prospect, fervent hope, field of view, field of vision, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, forward look, future, future tense, futurism, futurity, go, good chance, good cheer, good hope, good possibility, great expectations, hereafter, high hopes, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, horizon, immediate future, immediate prospect, imminence, in prospect, in sight, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, intention, ken, landscape, leer, leering look, liability, likelihood, likeliness, likely, limit of vision, line of sight, longsightedness, look, look for, look-in, looking ahead, lookout, lustful leer, mark, mine, naked eye, near future, odds, off chance, offing, on the horizon, on the table, opportunity, outlook, outlook over, outside chance, outside hope, pan, pan for gold, panorama, patron, perspective, plan, possibilities, possibility, possible, possibleness, posteriority, potential, potentiality, prayerful hope, prediction, preparation, prepublication, presumption, presumptive evidence, preview, prevision, probabilism, probability, probable, project, projected, promise, prophecy, prospection, prospects, providence, provision, prudence, quarry, range, readiness, reasonable ground, reasonable hope, regard, regular, regular customer, reliance, remote possibility, riverscape, sagacity, sanguine expectation, scan, scape, scene, scenery, scenic view, scope, scope of vision, search for, seascape, security, sidelong look, sift, sight, sightliness, skyscape, sly look, small hope, spectacle, sucker, survey, sweep, tendency, the attainable, the feasible, the future, the morrow, the possible, the sweet by-and-by, thinkability, thinkableness, thought, time ahead, time just ahead, time to come, tomorrow, townscape, trust, unastonishment, verisimilitude, view, virtuality, vista, waterscape, well-grounded hope, what is possible, what may be, what might be