Synonyms and related words :
abound, abound with, be alive with, be fruitful, be productive, beget, blossom, brew, bristle with, bud, burgeon, burst forth, burst with, clutter, crawl, crawl with, creep with, crowd, develop, engender, fill, flood, flourish, flow, fructify, gather, gemmate, germinate, grow, grow rank, grow up, hypertrophy, increase, jam, know no bounds, leaf, leaf out, leave, luxuriate, mature, multiply, mushroom, outgrow, overabound, overbrim, overdevelop, overflow, overflow with, overgrow, overrun, overspill, overspread, overswarm, overtop, pack, procreate, proliferate, pullulate with, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, reproduce, riot, root, run riot, shoot, shoot up, spill over, spring up, sprout, sprout up, strike root, superabound, swarm, swarm with, take root, teem, teem with, thrive, throng with, tower, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, vegetate, wax