Synonyms and related words :
Charlie McCarthy, Elzevir, Federal, adherent, agate, agent, amanuensis, ancilla, apple-polisher, appliance, ass-licker, baby, backscratcher, backslapper, baggage agent, ball, baseball bat, bat, battledore, bauble, blocks, bootlick, bootlicker, brown-nose, brownie, business agent, bust, carving, checkerboard, chessboard, cipher, claim agent, clawback, clerk, club, cockhorse, commercial agent, commission agent, consignee, contrivance, courtier, creature, cricket bat, cringer, cue, customer agent, device, disciple, doll, doll carriage, dolly, dud, dummy, duodecimo, dupe, factor, fantoccini, fawner, fed, federal agent, figure, figurehead, figurine, flatterer, flunky, follower, footlicker, freight agent, front, front man, functionary, general agent, gewgaw, gillie, gimcrack, gingerbread man, go-between, golf club, goon, groveler, handmaid, handmaiden, handshaker, hanger-on, helot, henchman, hireling, hobbyhorse, hollow man, implement, instrument, insurance agent, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, jack-in-the-box, jackal, jacks, jackstones, jackstraw, jackstraws, kickshaw, knickknack, kowtower, lackey, land agent, law agent, lay figure, led captain, lever, lickspit, lickspittle, literary agent, loan agent, man, man of straw, manikin, mannequin, marble, marionette, mealymouth, mechanism, mediator, medium, microcosm, midwife, mig, mini, miniature, minion, minny, model, monument, myrmidon, nebbish, news agent, nobody, nominal head, nonentity, nothing, nullity, official, organ, paper doll, parliamentary agent, passenger agent, patsy, pawn, peon, pick-up sticks, pinwheel, plaything, portrait bust, press agent, purchasing agent, pushover, racket, rag doll, real estate agent, rocking horse, sales agent, satellite, scarecrow, sculpture, secretary, serf, servant, slave, snowman, spaniel, special agent, sport, station agent, statuary, statue, statuette, steelie, steward, stooge, subminiature, suck, sucker, sycophant, taw, teetotum, theatrical agent, thing of naught, thug, ticket agent, timeserver, toad, toady, tool, top, toy, toy soldier, travel agent, trifle, trinket, truckler, tufthunter, twelvemo, vehicle, votary, walking delegate, wax figure, waxwork, whim-wham, wood carving, yes-man, zero