Synonyms and related words :
accomplishment, activity, aim, area, art, avocation, bag, business, butt, by-end, by-purpose, calling, career, career building, careerism, chasing, chevy, chivy, craft, cup of tea, destination, dogging, employment, end, end in view, field, final cause, following, forte, game, goal, handicraft, heeling, hobby, hounding, hunt, hunting, interest, job, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, long suit, looking for, main interest, manner, mark, metier, mission, mystery, number, object, object in mind, objective, obtaining, occupation, pastime, pet subject, practice, prey, profession, pursual, pursuance, pursuing, quarry, quest, quintain, racket, reaching, reason for being, search, searching, seeking, sequel, sequence, series, shadowing, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, stalking, strong point, style, tailing, target, technicality, teleology, thing, tracing, tracking, trade, trailing, type, ultimate aim, vocation, walk, walk of life, way, weakness, work