Meaning of RECEPTACLE in English

Synonyms and related words :

amnion, androecium, anther, autoclave, bag, basket, billy, bladder, bleb, blister, boll, botany, box, bucket, caddy, cage, calyx, can, canister, capsule, carpel, case, casket, casserole, cell, chest, china, chinaware, coaster, compote, container, corolla, corolla tube, corona, crock, crucible, cyst, dish, epicalyx, fistula, follicle, gallbladder, gallipot, garbage can, gynoecium, hod, holdall, holder, hopper, legume, loculus, magazine, marsupium, megasporophyll, microsporophyll, mortar, mortarboard, pail, palette, patera, perianth, pericarp, petal, pistil, pitcher, plate, platter, pocket, pod, powder horn, receiver, reliquary, repository, sac, saccule, sacculus, saccus, salver, saucer, scrotum, scuttle, seedcase, silique, sinus, slop pail, sound, stamen, stigma, stomach, style, tableware, tin, torus, trash can, tray, trencher, udder, utensil, vasculum, vat, ventricle, vesica, vesicle, vessel, waiter, wastepaper basket, watering can

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