Synonyms and related words :
Sabbath-breaker, apostate, arrant coward, atheist, atheistic, backslider, backsliding, bad egg, bad lot, base, black sheep, blackguardly, blasphemer, blasphemous, bolter, caitiff, collaborationist, collaborative, collaborator, convert, craven, dastard, dastardly, defector, degenerate, degraded, derelict, deserter, disaffected, disloyal, dunghill, dunghilly, faithless, fallen, fallen angel, fallen from grace, FALSE, fickle, fifth columnist, impious, inconstant, infamous, irreligious, irreverent, knavish, lapsed, lecher, lost sheep, lost soul, miscreant, mugwump, not true to, notorious, of bad faith, perfidious, pervert, pimp, poltroon, poltroonish, profanatory, profane, profligate, proselyte, pusillanimous, quisling, rascally, rat, recidivist, recidivistic, renegade, renegado, renegate, reprobate, reversionist, roguish, runagate, sacrilegious, sacrilegist, scampish, scapegrace, schismatic, scoundrelly, seceder, secessionist, separatist, sneak, sorry lot, strikebreaker, tergiversant, tergiversating, tergiversator, traitor, traitorous, treacherous, treasonable, treasonous, trollop, trothless, turnabout, turncoat, turntail, unbeliever, undutiful, unfaithful, unloyal, unsteadfast, untrue, vile, villainous, whore